On every day shift the head nurse allocates the patients whose primary nurse is off duty to different associate nurses. 每天日班护士长将不在班责任护士的病人分配给副责任护士。
B: I work on the day shift. 我做白班。
The human resources are available on the day shift only on weekdays. 只有在工作日的白班才有人力资源可用。
They never schedule important meetings or conference calls right at lunchtime, and they typically block off at least 10 minutes of free time after lunch to reassess their goals for the day and shift priorities around, Kerr says. 他们从来不会在午餐时间安排重要的会面或者会议。吃完午饭后,他们通常会单独呆上至少10分钟,重新审视一天的目标,调整工作重点。
He worked nights because it paid 10% more than a day shift. My mother was a receptionist at a burglar alarm company one of the few growth industries in our neighborhood. 他选择夜班工作只是因为报酬比白班多了10%,我的母亲是一个防盗警报公司的接待员这也是我所在社区为数不多的增长行业之一。
Are you on the night shift or the day shift? 怀是做夜班还是日班?
Operating Air Separation Plant on day/ night shift as operators backup when there is any operators taking vacation or sick leaves. 当操作工休假或请病假时,能在日班/夜班作为后备人员顶替操作空分厂。
Sixty workers in shifts were investigated with the symptom check list ( scl-90) and compared them to usual models. Take full responsibility for test of incoming materials, in-process products and finished products on day and night shift. 采用scl-90对60例倒班工人进行调查,并与国内常模进行比较。负责原料、中间产品和最终产品的质量检验工作(倒班工作)。
Since when do you work the day shift, pino? 你什么时候换日班了,皮诺?
For example, if George is transferred to the day shift, his attitude may become positive. 例如,如果乔治是转移到白班,他的态度可能会变得更加积极。
He work the day shift or night shift. 他上白班或夜班。
The day shift was clocking off. 日班到了打卡下班的时候。
As soon as day shift comes in, I'll send them out, too. 等白班的人一来,我就把他们也派出去。
The BH can not be underestimated, in some cases several hundred employees will e working in the BH in a typical day shift. 不可低估后勤区,在一个典型的日班,有时会有几百个员工在后勤区工作。
If he is transferred to he day shift, his attitude may change to highly favorable. 如果他被转移到他白班,他的态度可能会更改了极为有利的。
They waited for the day shift to appear. 他们等候日班工人到来。
They waited for the day shift to come and take over the work. 他们等待着日班的工人来接班。
Aw, sweetheart. I work the day shift and it's been a iong day. 噢,甜心,我上的是白班,已经累坏了。
Day shift told me you didn't get any results off the tooth. 日班的人告诉我,你检验的牙齿没有任何结果。
Spain's new generation waits in the wings. They waited for the day shift to come and take over the work. 西班牙的新一代已做好接班的准备。他们等待着日班的工人来接班。
Take full responsibility for test of incoming materials, in-process products and finished products on day and night shift. 负责原料、中间产品和最终产品的质量检验工作。
The first day shift, converging from all parts of the city, was arriving in a swiftly flowing stream. 来自全市四面八方的第一班的日班工人正川流不息地到来。
I'd take the day shift. 我上白天的班儿。
Method The new scheduling method adopted relatively fixed night shift and day shift, which the nurses were chosen according to voluntary manner. 方法采取护士自愿报名,相对固定夜班、白班护士的排班方式。
After different operations, nursing time of day shift and TISS score were highest and there was no statistical significance in comparison of nursing time of 1,2d after operation and TISS score ( P> 0.01). 各种手术术后白班的护理时间和TISS分值最高的,术后第1天和第2天各班的护理时间及TISS分值的比较均无统计学意义(P>0.01)。
Station dispatch system receives the day shift scheduling/ stage plan from the Railway Bureau and disassembles the plan into the station, as well as the status of resources work plan to achieve the implementation of the various positions. 车站调度系统从路局调度所接收日班/阶段计划,对路局计划进行分解成车站各岗位以及资源的工作计划,下达到各岗位执行。